July 14, 2005

The Fount of Useless Information Exercise Program (Part 2)

Once you have completed phase one of the plan, it's time to move on to the more advanced program.

1. After realizing that you will not partake in any outdoor physical activity, purchase an elliptical trainer or other walking device.

2. Determine to get up extra early to walk.

3. Calculate how early you need to get up to spend sufficient time exercising.

4. Set alarm clock appropriately.
4.1. Hit snooze.
4.2. Hit snooze.
4.3. Hit snooze.
4.4. Hit snooze.
4.5. Turn off alarm clock and realize that you are already late for work.

5. Decide that after work in the evening is a better time for exercise.

6. Arrive home from work, exhausted.

7. Order pizza and throw yourself into recliner.

8. Eat pizza, watch TV and go to bed.

9. Start tomorrow.

Make sure to get part 2 down perfectly because part three is on its way soon. In part three, it's all about motivation. If you follow all three sections of The Fount of Useless Information Exercise Program, I guarantee1 you will see results.

Until later...

1Guarantee is not guaranteed.


Laziest Girl said...

Sorry - just to clarify - do I have to get up and answer the door when the pizza arrives? Does this extra exercise allow me order extra cheese on said pizza or should I imbibe the extra calories via complimentary softdrink?

Craig said...

Ok, this goes for all of you out there starting the plan. I can't do everything for you. I'm giving you the basics, the other decisions you will have to make on your own.

That said, I would imagine that in your case, you would send HH to the door, thus preventing the need to rise.

And don't worry about the calories, it's all part of the plan.