May 29, 2005

Waiter, There's A Fly In My Soup

Actually, this story has nothing to do with waiters or soup. As I sat at my computer this evening, I was noting the remarkable variety of disturbing things one can find by simply hitting the "Next Blog" button on Blogger. Thirsty, I reached for the bottle of water I had sitting on the desk. The bottle of water I had irresponsibly left uncapped. Unbeknownst to me, a fly had decided to investigate the contents of the bottle only to realize that it had never learned to swim. The saying may be well-known, but I assure you friends that ignorance is not bliss.

I put the bottle to my mouth and took a large drink. Water poured into my mouth, bringing with it something unidentified yet unmistakably solid. As I felt this, instinct took over and all semblance of manners went the way of the dodo, the passenger pigeon and my last remnant of respect for Tom Cruise. My brain thought, "Water is liquid. Ice isn't. True, but the water in that bottle isn't frozen. There's something else in there!", and I turned and spit the water out--onto the carpet but not the computer, manners may have been gone, but I still have priorities. MK, convinced that I had finally taken that last step into insanity, began shouting, "What are you doing?!?!?!?" I replied, as calmly as possible considering the situation (i.e. not at all), that there was something in my water and I didn't know what it was. I looked and discovered the offending insect. Finding the source of my problem did not make me feel any better, but it did send MK into a fit of laughter.

Several minutes and a considerable portion of a bottle of Listerine later, I'm back down at the computer writing this post and only mildly traumatized. MK on the other hand, still hasn't stopped laughing.

Until later...

1 comment:

Melissa said...

MK is still laughing. Actually, I have tears streaming, I am laughing so hard. So, maybe I am feeling your pain? No, I just find the situation to be hysterical.