May 01, 2006

That Was My Woodstock!

After a work this evening, we decided to stop for dinner at Damon's. I like the food there, but I really enjoy playing along with the NTN Buzztime trivia. I don't know how many people are familiar with NTN, but here are the basics. You get a handheld device with a keyboard and small screen which you use to answer questions displayed on a television screen that all can see. The questions are multiple choice, and you receive points for answering correctly and quickly. All people at the current location compete for high score as well as with other networked sites around the country. At the end of each game a winner is declared for each site and stats are shown for the national network.

At the end of the first game, I beat the other players at our restaurant (there weren't too many playing, so it's not as impressive as I'd like to pretend), but then was thrilled to see the national stats with my name listed up there at number 20. Well, I certainly couldn't leave it at that. I had to play another game. I played again, this time with a few more people competing at our location. Once it was over, I didn't want to leave even though we'd already paid (The place wasn't very busy, and we tipped our waitress more than she deserved to make up for us sitting around so long), because I needed to see the stats. This time, I was fourth.

I realize that this probably shows just how pathetic I am, but I was actually quite pleased knowing that at other locations where this game was going on, people would look at the screen and see CK from Damon's, Kalamazoo at #4. Like I said, it's pathetic that it made me happy, but the way things have been going recently, I'll take it.

Until later...

1 comment:

Esther said...

That's so fun! I'd have done the same thing. Then again, that's why we have our own trivia blog.