May 22, 2006

Me Fail English? That's Unpossible.

To honor one of Springfield's finest families, I've added a new section to the sidebar of this site. If you look just below the Previous Posts section, you'll find the Wiggum Family Quote Generator. Each time you load the page, a new quote from Clancy, Sara or Ralph will be displayed. My intent is to add any new quotes from them that amuse me in future episodes of the Simpsons, but let's face it. This is me we're talking about, so it will probably stay just like it is.

Anyway, amuse yourself with the refresh/reload button for a while.

Until later...

1 comment:

Matt said...

Cool code. I don't know enough about java script myself, but I'm trying to learn. Next thing I want to do is get that into a text file so I don't have to embed it in my template.