May 22, 2006

Don't Drown Your Food

MK and I had a discussion recently about how we both have an aversion to oversaturating salad with dressing and similar items. I mentioned remembering a cartoon PSA with a guy who throws a life preserver to some food that soaking in a condiment of some sort and sings, "Don't Drown Your Food." As it turns out MK remembered the same thing, and the ridiculous song has stuck with us for years and made us both go light on the salad dressing.

To see if we were the only people who remembered this, I started searching for the video the other day. I found that not only is it remembered, but that there is a streaming video available at (It starts playing automatically, so be ready or use headphones.) Looking around Retrojunk, I found all sorts of fun things I remembered from when I was a kid including other PSAs like "Hanker for a Hunka Cheese" and videos of the intro to various cartoon shows. Unfortunately, this means that I've been going around for the past several days singing "Life is like a hurricane. Here in Duckberg."

Take a minute to go and wish MK a happy birthday (as a warning, there is sound on her blog today).

Until later...


Anonymous said...

Dude. Seriously? I still, to this day, say "I'm so hungry, I could eat a wagon wheel!"

Matt said...

Yeah, I remember this one, too. In my memory, I have this haunting vision of people pouring mayonnaise on salad. I have never understood that.

Itchy said...

Meanwhile I have an aversion to too much salad in my dressing.