May 15, 2006

Weird Science

I've mentioned before that I'm a scientist. There are lots of things that I like about it: being a nerd is expected, sloppy dress just means you're preoccupied, you get to talk about all sorts of random things that people would find strange, disgusting or offensive out of context. Here are a few recent news articles that bring that last point home.

Fossilized Worm Droppings: The greatest part of this article is the quote "We have found fossilised excrement dating back 500 million years." This guy has got to be great at parties. I almost feel sorry for his wife. She invites people over for a nice dinner and someone makes the mistake of asking him about work. "Oh, it's great. You wouldn't believe the worm poo we've found recently." At this point, the dinner party is pretty much over.

Even more about poop: The people who conducted this study not only talk about animal excrement, but worry over the type, amount and quality of it. Speaking of dung beetles, we went to a zoo near us recently and in the restrooms at the zoo, they had posted signs telling all about the dung beetle. I'd say that they had a somewhat warped sense of humor, but I found it amusing too.

Scientists even get to come up with great Mother's Day stories. What a wonderfully disturbing sacrifice she makes for her kids.

Most importantly, scientists can even make some pretty good predictions on how the world is going to end. The next time you see a roach in your house, don't think "eew, gross." You should think about your impending doom. If they're working together, it's only a matter of time before they realize that they need to eliminate the human threat.

I think I've shared a little too much of the types of things that amuse me. At least for one day. Just remember, scientists are weird. They're just eccentric.

Until later...

1 comment:

Rainypete said...

Personally I don't think the phrase "fossilized worm excrement" is used often enough in conversations.