May 23, 2006

Dream a Little Dream

I had a very odd dream last night. Most of the things in the dream were fairly mundane: driving around, going to a museum. Nothing really interesting, but then I had to go to the ATM.

When I went to the ATM to withdraw $80 (I have no idea why), I found that the surcharge had increased from the two or so dollars usually charged to a full 50%. That's right, I had to pay $40 to take out $80. That's almost a bad as getting a cash advance from your Capital One card, but somehow in this dream it seemed ok. When the transaction was complete, it didn't give me money, but instead printed a receipt that I had to take to the cashier of the store where the ATM was located.

I waited in line, gave my receipt to the cashier and watched as she counted out the money. Apparently, ATM surcharges were not the only things that had changed in this dream because in place of ten dollar bills, she gave me strips of bacon. That's right, I got my money in twenties and bacon. (I did actually ask her for less of it in bacon strips.) This scenario brought up several questions:

1. Do we really want to have a ten dollar bill that is edible? This doesn't seem like a good idea.

2. Won't they go bad if you don't spend them quickly enough?

3. I like bacon, but isn't $10 per strip a little steep?

4. If they were worth $10 each, why, oh why did I eat them?

When I woke up this morning and remembered this dream, I shook my head and thought of the words of Mr. McDowell. "Son, I'm just going to tell you this one time. If you want to keep working here, stay off the drugs."

Until later...


MC Etcher said...

Some people say they don't want to hear other people's dreams - but that is a bad idea, because unless we talk about them, how do we know if we're having the same dream?

$10 a strip is steep, but I bet it tastes like heaven.

pagan_mystic said...

As a banker, can I just say ewww? Money is dirty enough without adding bacon fat to it.

Matt said...

Love the C2A reference. Quite ripping.