August 23, 2005

Trivial Tuesday

This week, The Brothers Grimm opens in theaters. This movie, which would look more appealing if it didn't star Matt Damon and Heath Ledger, was directed by Terry Gilliam. What movie gave Gilliam his first director credit for a full-length motion picture?

The usual rules apply. First one to answer correctly wins this week's bragging rights.

Update: Invisible Lizard wasted little time letting us know that it was Monty Python's Holy Grail. Brag away, Lizard.

Until later...


Matt said...

I'm pretty sure it's Monty Python's Holy Grail.

Matt said...

Hey... when did they implement the word verification for leaving comments? Could this be a device to combat the annoying spam?

Craig said...

1. I'm pretty sure you're right.

2. Look up.