August 19, 2005

Not Exactly Martha Stewart

Hmm...I can't say that this is exactly my taste in home decor. It just seems to border a little too much on white trash couture for me. On the other hand I am sure there are plenty of people who would love to decorate their bathrooms with an armaments theme, and the bullet toilet seat is just the piece to build around.

I think my favorite part is that Overstock has a warning that supplies are limited. "Sell out Risk: VERY HIGH"

In case they do sell out and/or the link no longer works here are a couple of pictures of it:

Until later...


Laziest Girl said...

This is deeply disturbing.

It actually would have looked better if they had more bullets (shells, cartridges, whatever) in the plastic bit - they could have even varied the calibres.

I can't believe I even thought about this enough to come up with a better looking product. See what you've done to me!

Matt said...

What're you trying to say? I've got these on both of the crappers in my double-wide.

Craig said...

IL, is this where I get to make a South Carolina joke?

M said...

i guess you could say that toilet seat was "shot to shit"... bad pun, I know...