August 30, 2005

Trivial Tuesday

Today is the birthday of actress Cameron Diaz. Among the many movies starring Cameron Diaz is the not so funny comedy, The Sweetest Thing. This movie was written by first-time screenwriter Nancy Pimental, who used to appear as co-host of a game show. What game show was it?

First commenter with the correct answer gains the right to brag for a week. The usual rules apply.

Update: Congrats to MC Etcher. Nancy Pimental replaced Jimmy Kimmel as co-host of Win Ben Stein's Money. MC E you have one week to brag, then your title is up for grabs.

Until later...


MC Etcher said...

Win Ben Stein's Money

Craig said...

Indeed it was Win Ben Stein's Money, which was one of the best game shows ever, in my opinion.

MC Etcher said...

Ah, I just got lucky and arrived here before anyone else.