July 26, 2006

Tag, You're It

You may have noticed that I changed my tagline up at the top. I did this for a couple of reasons: (1) If even one other obsessive-compulsive microbiologist has a website, this probably wouldn't qualify as the funniest anymore. I'd hate to get in trouble for false advertising. (2) I'd gotten tired of it.

Now here's your chance to help. I'm sure I'll get bored of my new tag line very soon, and I will take suggestions from all of you for others that I can rotate. Make your suggestions in the comments section. A few caveats about the whole thing. I reserve the right to

1. Ignore your response completely if I don't like it.

2. Take your response and not give you any credit whatsoever if I do like it.

3. Change my mind randomly and decide to use an old line or not change it at all.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, a challenge. I shall think on it and be back with something witty. Or lame.

Matt said...

How bout this: "The Gateway to Invisible Lizard's Unusual Oranges"?

No, just kidding. Something I was toying around with myself (as I'm getting tired of my own tag line) was a rotating tag that changes each day. I'm trying to find 31 possible movie quotes (criteria: funny + short) and I'll write up a bit of javascript that displays one or another depending on the day of the month.

Why don't you do the same?

MC Etcher said...

Damn it, I'm drawing a blank. I'll get back to you.

Murph said...

These aren't meant to be insulting, they're just a few that I would put on my blog.

"The Fount of Useless Information: If it was any worse, it would star Samuel L. Jackson"

"Sure I watch Star Trek, but your mom's a whore"

"It's the cheese that's melted on top of the leftovers that is your life"

Agent 31 said...

"Back off, man, I'm a scientist."

Anonymous said...

Heh, I like the Simpsons idea. You could do the "I will not..." blackboard punishment thingie.