July 27, 2006

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Do you remember Choose Your Own Adventure books? How great were those? I can remember a couple of different ones I had as a kid. One was a James Bond book called Win, Place or Die. I also remember having one of the Wizards, Warriors and You series. I loved that I could read the book, see what happened, then go back and try it all over again. I, of course, never, ever peeked at the pages before I made a choice.

I saw an article earlier today saying that there is now an attempt at making choose your own adventure DVDs. How much fun would it be to take your favorite movie and see what would happen if you made different choices for the characters? Of course, you won't get to do this with most theatrical release movies. So far it looks like it is just made for DVD stuff and Final Destination 3. But if you had the option of making a choose your own adventure DVD, what movie would it be and what major decision would you change?


Itchy said...

I loved those books and I had a ton of them!

The only thing that jumped into my mind was Pretty in Pink. I would of course change it so Andie winds up with Duckie instead of Blaine.

I'm sure if I gave it some serious thought I could come up with some others...

Matt said...

I'm looking at that list on Wikipedia, and I recognize some of the earlier titles. Who Killed Harlowe Thrombey was one I particularly liked.

I also had a few of the Which Way books. I'm amused that this web page says that they were less "text heavy" that the CYOA books.

Text heavy. Not a phrase I'd use for any of these.

I got these from those booklets you'd bring home and fill out with your Mom who'd send you back to school with a check and then they'd come 8 weeks later when you'd forgotten all about them. What was that racket called? I ended up with a lot of these and a lot of Mad Libs that way.

Esther said...

I don't think I read those, but I do remember the lists in school. I think they were scholastic books clubs or something. I used to beg for so many and I only got 1 book.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I freaking love those books!

My choice would be ANY TOM CRUISE MOVIE, in which you could choose other actors to play his role.

Rainypete said...

That would be like playing Dragon's Lair all over again! How cool is that?