July 07, 2006

Maybe We're Crazy. Probably...

The randomosity randomism randomaciousness random ramblings continue...

So, people know that mullets are made fun of, right? How do you go in to get your hair cut and ask for a mullet. It's not like you can flip through the books they have there and point to a style similar to the mullet. Do you sit down and say, "Make me look like Billy Ray Cyrus"? If so, isn't it in violation of some hairdresser's code to give anyone a mullet? (I'll spare you the bad joke about it being the Clippocratic Oath...oops, too late.) Just once, I want to be there when someone asks for "business in the front, party in the back."

There's a psychic that I drive past on my way home a lot of the time. There is a sign in the window that says "Walk-ins welcome." If she's psychic, shouldn't the walk-ins already have an appointment? I think about asking her this, but somehow, I think I wouldn't be the first to bring it up.

We attempted to watch Fever Pitch (the one with the Red Sox, not the one with soccer) not too long ago. We made it through 11 minutes of the film before we had to give up. There's only so much Jimmy Fallon I can handle.

The other day a Ford commercial came on, and American Idol winner Talyor Hicks was singing and doing his "child needing a bathroom" dance. So, first he releases a single with "Taking It to the Streets", then this ad. I'm not surprised that it's happening, but I didn't think he'd be so aggressive in stealing Michael McDonald's career. Next he's joining up with the "Ganja Brothers".

I was looking up some lyrics to a song the other day and came across something interesting in the artists list. There in the middle of links to lyrics by all sorts of musicians was a link for Mark-Paul Gosselaar lyrics. So, Kelly went to Beverly Hills (where her zip code was 90210), Jessie started stripping and Zack started a musical career? What would Mr. Belding say? I just hope he plays a concert at the Hub.

I was looking at some of the things I've posted recently and was thinking about how much more interesting and funny things I posted used to be. To try to see what the difference was, I went back to the archives and read the older posts. It turns out I wasn't that amusing or entertaining then either; I just thought I was. Nostalgia's funny like that.

Until later...


Itchy said...

That Ford commercial deeply disturbs me. That Hicks dude is so twitchy...

Anonymous said...

My favorite mullet nickname is the 10-90. 10% on top, 90% in the back. Heh.

Anita said...

I seriously used to have a mullet and I loved it. Of course, that was 1982. In Texas.

Anyway, two weeks ago I was getting my hair done and I asked for a mullet - but a modern, hip mullet not a Billy Ray Cyrus. I am not kidding. My friend who happens to also be my stylist knew exactly what I meant and now I am sporting a modern, modified mullet. It's rockin!!

Taylor Hicks... bleh.

Fever Pitch! I made it through about 22 minutes. Hahaha.