July 12, 2006

Ooh, It's Not So Good

Reasons I can't stand Mr. Food*

1. He doesn't do anything. He never cooks, he just points to items and then shows you the end result.

2. He often does segments where he isn't even giving a recipe, he's just talking about carbs or cheese or whatever else he feels like.

3. "Using whatever brands you want..." Come on, we can see the labels on all your products. Don't pretend to be impartial and yet have obvious product placement.

4. He dumbs down his recipes to the point of insulting the audience. He even renames recipes to make them "easier to understand."

5. Most of the things he makes don't even look appetizing.

6. He's on my local news every morning as I'm trying to get ready for work.

7. "Bam!" Sure, Emeril Lagasse is the one that says that, but I blame Mr. Food anyway.

8. "Ooh, it's so good." Someone needs to tell this guy that catchphrases are pretty stupid in general and that they are never a good way to end anything.

Until later...

*As a television personality, that is. I'm sure that as a person, he's a really great guy. Unless he beats his wife or kicks puppies or something, but I doubt that. I really can't imagine him kicking a puppy, can you? If he did he'd probably have someone else kick a puppy ahead of time to prepare it, then come in, show you an unkicked puppy, tell you (using whatever brand of shoes you like) to apply your foot to the puppy, then show you what the puppy that was kicked earlier looks like. Not that he actually would do something like that. Like I said, probably a nice guy, just annoying to see on TV.


Anonymous said...

We had a Mr. Food in Buffalo who was on the morning local news. Don't tell me that ass got syndicated...

Melissa said...

Not only is he syndicated, I just saw him in the magazine Living Without; "Mr Food puts the "special" in special diet". OH PUH-LEASE!

Rainypete said...

Sadly most cooking shows are simply a smooth talker pulling out various stages ofa recipe that have been pre-prepared for them by the really skilled culinary staff. Hell, with that team behind me I could be a TV Chef too!