July 13, 2006


Is anyone else out there watching the World Series of Pop Culture on VH1? The show is great. It's just a basic quiz gameshow and makes it even more enjoyable by not taking itself very seriously. It's a single elimination tournament with 16 teams of three people each. Teams go head to head answering questions on movies, tv and music. The teams have cleverly named themselves, have logos and coordinated outfits. It's completely absurd, I love it, and I want to be on the show. (Problems with being on the show: Need to audition and make it. Need to pass test to get to audition. Need to find auditions. Need to form team. Need to have friends to form team. Need clever team name. Would likely humiliate self on television...but it's just VH1, so that's not as big of a problem.)

There is at least one problem with the show, though. During episode 2, team Cheetara was going up against Team Smartypants. I wanted to root for Cheetara. Really. They share their name with a Thundercat, how could I possibly root against them? Because they happen to have one of the most annoying game show contestants ever to walk the face of the earth on their team. The first round of the match saw a Cheetara member eliminated from competition. From that point on after each correct answer by her teammates, she would yell (screech, actually) "Cheetara!" After a while this moved from simply annoying to something more along the lines of high-powered drill to the eardrum. This turned me against them quickly. I went from admiring the choice of name to hoping the host was going to threaten to eliminate the team if she didn't shut up. Unfortunately for my ears, she had plenty of chances to scream as her team went on to win the game.

It's not something that will make me stop watching the show, but I will be waiting for them to be eliminated soon. I suppose every competition needs its villain, and for me, I think we've found it.


Itchy said...

1 - I'm all over this show! I'm like yelling at my TV in the dark the answers and at the contestants. Really. I'm in love with it.

2 - I'm not on it for the exact reasons you're not. My brain doesn't function in public. Which makes not having friends easier for me to deal with...I like it when my brain works...

3 - That Cheetara chick annoyed me to the point that I stopped yelling answers and started yelling "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" at my TV. As you know, it didn't work.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so many thoughts.

1. You, Mikey, Invisible Lizard. Chicago auditions. DO IT.

2. Screeching Cheetara once - funny! Screeching Cheetara many, many times... *pokes out eardrums*

3. When we went to the taping in NYC, I was really hating on We're What Willis Was Talking About. Now THAT was an annoying team. (This, of course, coming from the smartass who didn't even make it past the written test part of the audition.)

Rainypete said...

Thundercats rocks! I so wish I got VH1 now.

Anonymous said...

What Danielle said!

We'd have to think of a name...

Really, though, I'm not too great at pop culture. I mean, sure, I know a lot of obscure things people don't, but then again, I don't know a lot of really "obvious" things, either.

Example - playing trivial pursuit a while back, for "pie," I had to name the movie from which this quote comes from: "Nobody puts baby in a corner." Of course, everybody and their sister know that it was Dirty Dancing, but I never would have guessed that in a million years.

Maybe they'd be better served by having a girl on their team? Itchy, that's gotta be you!

Murph said...

I Tivo'd it after I'd already watched it once and now my roommate thinks I'm the smartest person alive.