June 26, 2006

I Think I'll Call It Everyplot

I finally finished my very first screenplay. It's a romantic comedy that I think would work well with just about any of the popular actor/actress combinations out there today. The plot is clever, and I'm pretty sure that there aren't any others out there like it yet. Here, I'll summarize it for you:

Act I
Our leading man meets and falls in love with our leading lady. He wants her to feel the same way about him, but he's worried about whether that will ever happen. Eventually, he gets up the courage to ask her out, but throughout their entire relationship he hides the fact that he has six toes. (I'm not sure about the six toe thing, maybe in a second draft I'll change it to something else he wants to hide.) Things go well for a while, and they fall madly in love.
Act II
He decides that before he asks her to marry him, he should tell her his secret. Unfortunately, before he can tell her, she figures it out on her own and becomes furious with him for keeping it secret.
They go their separate ways and are both absolutely miserable. Our leading man tries to win her back, but she refuses to ever answer his calls, listen to him on the street or reply to his email. The leading lady's homely but wise friend points out how unhappy she is and that she should just get back together with him. She rushes to find him and tell him that she loves him no matter how much he lied to her. They embrace and promise never to fight again, and the credits roll.

So, what do you think? Pretty clever and original, huh? Somebody get me Tom Hanks on the phone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I smell an Oscar!

I like the six toes idea. Are they only on one foot? Because it would be cool to have a scene where they go shoe shopping, and the fact that he has to buy two different sizes is the tipoff to her that something just isn't right.

Plus it's a good opportunity for some product placement.