June 22, 2006

Hot Dog, Cold Air

There are some significant problems when you are a dog bred to live and work in the snow, but are forced to endure a warmer summer. Observe:

Here is Chewie sleeping. Cute isn't it? Notice the piece of plastic next to him? That's the air deflector for the air conditioning vent. He has pushed it aside because he didn't want it on the vent. So, where is the vent? Right underneath him, of course. When he comes in from outside, Chewie prefers to lie in several cool places: on the tile by the front door, up against the cool metal front door or directly on the air conditioning vent. He even recognizes the sound of the A/C starting and runs to throw himself onto a vent when he hears it. If he has his way, the next time we move, it will be to Greenland.

So if any of you out there are thinking of adopting a sled breed of any sort, be warned. They hog all the cold air.

Until later...


Esther said...

I must say I do feel bad for dogs during the summer, and I'm SO not a dog person. At least he's figured out how to stay cool...

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful dog!

MC Etcher said...

Wow! He got really big really fast!

thordora said...

I've always wanted a husky, and this is why I'll never get one. Seems mean.

He's CUTE!

Anonymous said...

All right, I'm stealing Chewie. Chewie totally rules.

Rainypete said...

Chewie couldn't hack it at my house. The AC crapped out. Our labrador has taken to sleepping sprawled out on the ceramics.

Laziest Girl said...

I can't believe how big he is - it seems like just the other day he was a tiny, little bundle of fur.