June 13, 2006

Bit O' Conversation

Heard this weekend at our house:

"What? So they just misplaced Grandma?"

Misplacing relatives is bad...especially when they are in an urn.


Anonymous said...

That's a riot! I needed that!

Anita said...

True story: Last year, my grandfather died and we left before the coroner came to get his body (very late that night). They were supposed to call us and let us know where they took him (which funeral home). The next morning, we called everywhere and no one would tell us where he was. It took all day until finally we found him. Then they called us and said they made a mistake - they didn't have him after all. We called around some more and it turned out that the first place we called was where he actually was. Grrr. So,yeah, we misplaced Grandpa for about 24 hours. Kind of nervewracking for us but I'm sure he didn't mind too much!