June 28, 2006


After hearing the seven thousandth news story recently about Tom Cruise, Scientology and the number of celebs that have joined the religion, we had the folowing conversation.

Me: You know, I keep hearing about this. I think I've decided to convert to Scientology.

MK: Sure. Go right ahead.

Me: Really, think about all the benefits. You get to hang out with the celebrities. It helps you if you want to be in the entertainment industry.

MK: I have a feeling your parents would freak out. (Whose wouldn't?)

Me: Well, sure. But that's 'cause they're glib.

And with that the dead horse was officially beaten.


Matt said...

In my household, that conversation would have gone like this:

Me: I'm thinking of converting to scientol...

K: You're an idiot.

Me: I hadn't finished...

K: End of story.

Anonymous said...

HA! That comment was so funny, I've forgotten my own!