November 08, 2005

Trivial Tuesday

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire is showing on the Game Show Network. The first contestant to win a million dollars on the US version was John Carpenter (not the director) who didn't use a life line until the final question, when he called his father to tell him that he was about to win. What US president was the answer to that final question?

Post the answer in the comments section and brag to your friends.

Update: Congrats to Esther for providing the correct answer of Richard Nixon. She earns bonus points for giving the question as well. The bragging rights are all yours.

Sorry for the slow update.

Until later...


Esther said...

Richard Nixon. The question was which President appeared on "Laugh In"?

MC Etcher said...

Wow, that was some style, calling his Dad like that. Very cool. Next time I'm on a game show, I'm gonna totally do that.

Can you imagine if he called to tell his Dad "I'm about to win a million dollars, and I'm not giving you one red cent!" Ouch!