November 07, 2005

On The Subject of Jarhead

I haven't seen the movie Jarhead yet. I'm pretty much indifferent about whether or not I actually see it. However, I did think I should share a conversation we had when the trailer came on TV the other day.

[Television is on and the trailer for Jarhead begins]

MK: It looks like they did a good job with that.

CK: Really? Yeah, I suppose it might be interesting.

MK: Well, they at least did a good job of making Jake Gyllenhaal look like a man for this movie.

Mark it down, people. I let someone else have a punch line in a post. It doesn't happen too often.

Seriously, I don't get the idea of Jake as an action hero in any movie. They keep trying, but I don't buy it (please insert your own Brokeback Mountain joke here). He looks like he should still be asking his big sister's boyfriend to buy him cigarettes. To make him a convincing soldier would be a pretty impressive feat (a convincing movie soldier, that is. I'm aware real soldiers don't always look like the hero in a movie. I don't want realism. I want movie realism.)

Also, when the tagline, "Welcome to the suck," comes up, am I the only one that half expects it to be written as "teh suck"? It's as if some leet-spewing prepubescent boy who just fragged his best friend in Doom 3 for the first time wrote the tagline for them. "U R teh suck!!!!1!1!! W00T!!"

Am I rambling? I'm out of practice with this blogging thing. I think I should have shut up after the conversation about the trailer. Too late now. Changing it would involve effort, and I'm lazy.

Until later...

Go on, put yourself on the map.


Anonymous said...

i've always thought Jake looked like a mealy-boy, but they actually made him put on some weight for this movie... so he's actually like, believable as a Marine.

i've heard it's a great movie, but i still may wait until it's on cable or DVD.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping you has watched Category 7 and included your sagely wisdom upon it. Alas.