November 12, 2005

Recent Searches

Here are a few of the more interesting search engine keywords used to find this site over the past three or four days. As a public service, I have attempted to provide the appropriate information for each search term. I hope that this is of some help to all of the people out there searching using the following terms:

Joke Microbiologist: Yep, that's me. At least that's what my boss keeps telling me.

Useless information to impress your friends: The giant Asian hornet likes to send out a scout to mark the location of honeybee hives and then send back a group of hornets to kill the bees and steal the larva. Some native bees have a special defense against these hornets. When the scout comes to the bee hive, the bees swarm it and trap it before beginning to move around rapidly. The hornet is trapped inside a ball of wiggling bees where the temperature rises until it reaches a point where the hornet is killed. In essence, the scout hornet is cooked by the jiggling, wriggling and wiggling of the bees. (Thank you National Geographic special for teaching me this.) If this doesn't qualify as useless information and it doesn't impress your friends, you are either an entomologist or your friends are not nearly nerdy enough.

When is Paris and Nicky coing to so Simple Life 3: How can I answer the question if I can't understand it? Is that even English? The worst part is I'm the first site to come up on this search.

Useless interesting information: Wait a second here, buddy. Useless? Sure. Information? Right. But I have never promised interesting. That would be false advertising. Oddly, this site is the first one to come up when you search for this in google.

Random stupid facts: Sure thing. I can handle that. The human head weighs eight pounds. Dogs and bees can smell fear. Cuba Gooding Jr. has an Oscar.

Coworker fashion: If you want to tell your coworkers what to wear, that's fine. Just don't look to me for advice, because, as my coworkers could tell you, I often look like I got dressed in the dark.

Useless mole information: A mole is 6.022 X 1023 particles (atoms, molecules, etc.). Moles are darker than the surrounding skin because of a higher concentration of melanin. Moles can really mess up your lawn, and appear often on the television show 24.

Gaiman Albuquerque visit: No, I'm sorry. Neil didn't get to go with us on our trip out west. I didn't even think to invite him. Do you think he would have accepted?

Odd useless random rude facts: I wish I could help you there. Unfortunately, I make a concerted effort not to ever be rude on this site, so you won't find anything of that nature here. What? Stop laughing. I meant it. Stop it now!

Until later...


Anonymous said...

dude. i watched that thing on the hornets. i believe the Hornets are native to Honshu (Japan).

it's nuts watching them attack european honeybees (who don't have that special defense). 30 hornets can take out an entire hive? that's just nuts.

the Japanese honey bees can withstand temperatures of 118F. the hornet can only withstand 115F. the temperature created by the vibrating swarm? 117F.

you are not alone in your geekiness.

Craig said...

For anyone out there who missed it, the National Geographic show I mentioned earlier and that Mikey is referring to is Hornets From Hell. It was actaully one of the better documentaries I've seen on TV in a while. Go check it out.