June 03, 2005

Favorite Songs

After I posted about current songs that I really can't stand, I got to thinking about reversing the list and going with a list of songs that I am completely enamoured with. I eventually discarded that idea and came up with a slightly different one.

If you had to look back and pick a single song, any time period, any genre and say that that is the song for you, what would it be? If you are like me you might find this to be rather difficult, because I usually have a current favorite song, but songs fall out of favor as I listen to them too many times and as others replace them. This song may not even be one you listen to all the time, but one that when you hear it causes you to sigh contendedly and just let the music wash over you for a while. Or it might be a song that the instant it begins, you have to turn the radio up and sing along or start dancing around the living room. What would your song be?

For me, I listen to a lot of new music and I tend to really love hip hop, but to pick out one song I have to go back to what is really before my time. I have to choose Prelude to a Kiss by Duke Ellington. Since there are many different recordings out there, I would say specifically the one on Duke Ellington's Greatest Hits (copy this shortcut and paste in a new browser window for a sample from Amazon.com). The first time I heard this song (sitting in a class on popular music in culture, actually), I sat there listening to the piano intro leading into the slow, gentle tones of the saxophone feeling completely enveloped in the music. It's not my typical drive-time music, but each and every time I hear it I still have that first impression of awe and total immersion in its melody.

Now what about you? What is your song? Post it in the comments section, post it on your own blog, shout it from the rooftops, turn the volume on your radio up to 11 and sing along as you drive down the road. (Eyes open and both hands on the wheel though. I don't have so many readers that I can afford to spare any.)

Until later...


thordora said...

Tori Amos' cover of "Thank You" It's absolutely beautiful, and makes a great lullaby for my kids...

Laziest Girl said...

Velvet Roof by Buffalo Tom.

Anonymous said...

Silly, but i gotta say it's "I never harmed an onion (so, why do they make me cry?)" by Rowlf the Dog