June 10, 2005

There's No Limit

There's a commercial for Mentos that seems to be playing about every third commercial break regardless of what channel I'm watching recently.

In the commercial, there are a bunch of birds in various situations all squawking to a the rhythm of a song. As we go from scene to scene, the birds continue their singing and people in homes and pet stores look very confused. During one scene in a pet store, a parrot sings, "There's no limit," in its creepy parrot voice. We see a few more clips of birds, followed by a cuckoo retreating into its clock with a package of Mentos.

I'm not the only one completely creeped out by this commercial, am I?


pagan_mystic said...

No, it's creepy. Even my parents commented on it. My brother-in-law says it's a play on the saying "a little bird told me" but I just can't see it.

Still not as creepy as the Burger King commercials, though. That "wake up with the King" one makes me shudder every time I see it. If I found that in my bed it would be dead before it had a chance to hand over the food.

Matt said...

You're not the only one. Each time I see it, especially in the beginning, when the momma-bird stuffs a Mentos down the throat of the little chickie, I choke a little on my own vomit.