June 23, 2005

Hate It or Love It

We grabbed a bag of special edition Hershey's Kisses at the store the other day. They were on sale, and the name (Chocolate & Vanilla Crème) sounded appealing. When the bag was opened and the individual foil-wrapped candies spilled out, the packaging on each was attractive.


Unfortunately, what lay inside each of those checkerboard foil wrappers was not so appealing.


As it turns out the Kisses are actually "vanilla-flavored white chocolate" on top with a rather small layer of what is described as "extra-creamy milk chocolate." Aside from the fact that absolutely no vanilla can be detected in the taste of the candy, there are a few problems with the candy. First is that Hershey's chocolate is quite bad. Ok...bad is a very relative term for chocolate. Regardless, the Hershey's milk chocolate is more of a sugary wax than anything else. Second is that white chocolate is not chocolate. The name means nothing. It is absolutely, positively not chocolate.

Now ask me if this has kept me from eating them.

Until later...


Melissa said...

It may not have kept CK from eating them, but I was done after 2 (I had to give it a second chance). I shudder at the thought of eating one of the blobs of foulness. YUCK!

Matt said...

"Blobs of Foulness" was going to be the title of my blog. I guess I'm glad I went the more esoteric route.

Becki said...

How could you hate white chocolate. Well OK maybe vanilla flavored white chocolate.

Craig said...

It's not like I really hate white chocolate. It's just that it simply isn't chocolate. That's not some sort of dig on it; it's just the truth. Much like the difference between chocolate flavored candy and chocolate. Call it what you want, but it isn't chocolate. I could/should probably dedicate a whole post to this. In fact, I think I shall!

Becki said...

White chocolate isn't chocolate? I didn't know that. But you know what's tasty. Chocolate flavoured drink with a pepperoni sandwich....yummy. I look forward to the post of chocolatey goodness.

Craig said...

Nope, it isn't really chocolate. However, looking back at my last comment, it sounds much more snotty and rude than the sarcastically serious tone of chocolate fundamentalism I was going for.

Becki said...

Hee. I thought it was funny. And informative. Of course I expect full chocolate explanations in the post.