June 21, 2005

Trivial Tuesday

Today's catagory is Classic Television Shows...well sort of.

I watched a few episodes of the The Prisoner recently. It has an intriguing mystery, but knowing that there is never really an answer decreases my desire to watch. That's the disadvantage of watching a TV show like that long after it originally aired, but I digress. In The Prisoner, Number 6 is brought to The Village because of information he has. Unfortunately for all of the viewers the specifics are never revealed. At least, not during the regular run of the series. On an episode of the Simpsons (The Computer Wore Menace Shoes) Homer is abducted and taken to The Village because of his Mr. X website. While Homer is there, he meets Number 6 who reveals why he is there. What did Number 6 do to deserve this?

The usual rules apply: Everyone is elegible, unless they live with me (sorry). The first person to post the answer in the comments sections will gain the people's ovation and fame forever.

Be Seeing You...

Update: Invisible Lizard is on a roll. If this keeps going, we'll have to ban him from answering any more questions. Number 6 invented the bottomless peanut bag, which eventually got him transported to the Village, which really isn't so bad once you get used to the gassings.


Melissa said...

I couldn't answer this one anyway. I was so bored by the show I wanted to hit my head on the wall... :) Bon chance.

Matt said...

Dare I shoot for two in a row? Bottomless peanut bag, was it? Or the secret behind tic-tacs. Can't quite recall.

thordora said...

I LOVED this show, and I know the answer and I can't remember! ARGH!

Becki said...

I vow to remember to check back every day so that I can answer questions. Unless (as in this case) I don't know the answer.