June 04, 2005

Book Club

At our most recent book club meeting, we discussed She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb, which I have already discussed here. I doubt that any of you care too much about the discussion, but I was a little saddened by how wonderful some of the people thought the book was and that some of the women in the group were shocked to realize that it was written by a man.

Really, posting about this just gives me an opportunity to post some pictures of what I brought to our lunch meeting. By not responding quickly to the email asking for people to sign up for various portions of the lunch, I ended up being responsible for bringing plates, bowls, silverware, etc. That was not nearly exciting enough, so I thought maybe I'd make a dessert (somehow no one had been assigned to make one). After checking with Filter-free Coworker (the organizer of this month's meeting) to make sure she had no problem with it (someone offering to make dessert...of course she didn't), I decided to make a chocolate cake with a white chocolate ganache between the layers and on top. The ganache didn't turn out with the exact texture I wanted (partly due to differences between white chocolate and actual chocolate, and partly due to slightly too much enthusiasm on my part during the mixing), but it still worked. I added sliced strawberries on the top and around the sides. I was very pleased with the way it tasted if not how it looked. Here are a couple of pictures. Note the triangle of dark chocolate on top; single varietal Venezuelan criollo chocolate 71% cacao...mmm.

Dark chocolate cake with white chocolate ganche and strawberries

Dark chocolate cake with white chocolate ganche and strawberries

Until later...


Melissa said...

In case anyone is doubtful... Yes, he did indeed make this cake 99% by himself, without my help. :) (I helped spread the white chocolate on the top).

Anonymous said...

looks delish

Laziest Girl said...

Very impressive. I would also like to take this opportunity to extend a standing invitation for you to join our book group. We have an opening for a snazzy dessert maestro.

Craig said...

Laziest Girl, thanks. That will work out quite nicely the next time I happen to be in Australia at the same time your book group is meeting to discuss something I have already read. Only since I've never been to Australia, and do not have plans to visit at the moment...

Anonymous said...

Why do I have to be filter-free coworker? It makes me sound like a cigarette! or a smoker at the very least! PLEASE PLEASE come up with something better! What happened to Queen of the Overshare?

Craig said...

Right, Queen of the Overshare it is then. I had mistakenly assumed that you might find that name a little more offensive.