March 21, 2006

Trivial Tuesday

This week's category will be history and mythology.

There is a new book that details a lot of research that has been done concerning the Oracle of Delphi. This was a place in ancient Greece where people could seek prophetic answers from a priestess who seemed to know the future accurately, though often wrapped in more than a bit of mystery. The Oracle and its predictions ended up playing a fairly important role in parts of history. The priestess and temple served a specific deity. Who was this Greek god?

Usual rules apply. Answer quickly and correctly to impress your friends.

Update: Aurora answered quickly and correctly, and, we can only assume, she also impressed her friends. Congrats to Aurora for knowing that the answer was Apollo.


Becki said...

I believe that the oracle served Apollo. And if I'm wrong then I'm blaming it on the tumors.

Agent 31 said...

Here's a quiz for you...

What's the sound of one man not updating his blog?