March 01, 2006

I've Got The Internet Going Nuts

Wow, I just logged into Statcounter to see what's been bringing people here recently and my total number of visitors was at 24,999. A few minutes later, we hit 25K. (Insert crowds cheering here) Sure I get lots of visitors searching random things and never coming back again. Mostly, these are the people who go to google and type in "useless information." I'm still not really sure what they expect, but I don't think you can get much more useless than this site.

Congratulations to Invisible Lizard who was visitor number 25,000. You don't really win anything, but you can feel special for a minute or two.

By the way, visitor number 24,999 was one of around 5 people who got here today searching for George Michael. Go figure.

Until later...

1 comment:

Agent 31 said...

Do you have any useless information about George Michael?