September 08, 2005

Life on The Pharm: Aren't We Clever

It was training time today at work. I had a computer based training module that had to be completed by tomorrow, so I made some time in the afternoon to sit down and work on that exclusively. As with most training, it was boring and almost completely pointless. The training focused on how to use a new computer system to locate documents and procedures we might need. See, exciting stuff.

I finished the main part of the training and continued on to the quiz section that you must complete to get credit for the training. The quiz was actually an activity where you had to use the program to search for a few fictional procedures. For the first step, I was required to locate a procedure by number. The procedure number: 8675309. I kid you not. Somebody in our IT or Training department probably had a good laugh at that. It's not everyday you get a Tommy Tutone reference at work.

Until later...

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