September 13, 2005

The Disco Ball in My Mouth Insinuates I'm Ballin'

I opened up iTunes this morning and was frightened by what I saw staring back at me from the New Releases section.

I'm not saying anything about his music. I'm not saying anything about him personally. But I really think this might be the most disturbing album cover in history. Forget the "platinum grill". Forget the facial hair that looks more like an oversight than an intentional fashion statement. Do we ever need a picture that close up, much less to someone with that expression on his face? What is that expression anyway? Pride: Is he happy about showing off the teeth? Pain? Perhaps he's thinking about how much the teeth cost him and how much drilling and filing his dentist had to do. Constipation? I don't know why one would use this as an album cover, but that certainly appears to be the most likely cause for the expression. That's my guess. Well, either that or he's passing a kidney stone.

Until later...


Craig said...

Wow, how did I overlook those? I guess the teeth and grimace distracted me from the blackheads.

M said...

I saw this in a store recently & was thinking, "And he paid good money for those crappy diamonds and dental work..." no accounting for taste.