April 04, 2005

Rapid Fire Rambling

The NCAA National Championship game is on and the Illini are playing, so I'm not going to spend too much time blogging tonight. Just a few quick points.

1. Check out The Letter D, a blog from a fellow Michigander. I wrote a longer post earlier today encouraging you to go visit it, but unfortunately the post disappeared when I tried to put it up on the site.

2. I'm making a few editorial changes on the site. One of them will be a change to the description posted at the top of the blog. I've decided that I'll come up with a few different slogans and rotate them on a regular basis...well, ok, maybe not a regular basis, but on a basis.

3. CBS has been running ads non-stop during the NCAA tournament for a movie they have coming up on the 24th of April, Locusts. I probably shouldn't admit this, but I'm actually considering watching it. Don't get me wrong, it isn't as if I think it will be good. However, there are few times in your life when you realize that you might be able to witness one of the greatest unintentional comedy moments in television history. I don't want to miss out.

4. My library list is getting out of control. My library account currently has requests in for three books that I'm waiting to be returned and another 4 on my list of things I am planning to read after that. I partially blame the Diane Rehm show for this. It's hard for me to go an entire week without hearing her discuss at least one book I would like to read.

5. We had our book club meeting to discuss Northanger Abbey last week. I'm not going to report anything about the discussion of the book, because I already reviewed it here. Rather than picking up pizza or Chinese takeout like the previous meetings, we went potluck style this time. I ended up responsible for dessert. Actually, I volunteered for it. I ended up making a flourless chocolate cake (recipe liberally stolen from foodnetwork.com). I tried the recipe out before the actual meeting, and decided that, while I liked the heat provided by the ancho chile powder called for in the original recipe, it might be too much of a departure from the norm for most people. I decided to swap the chile out for cinnamon. I really couldn't tell there was any cinnamon in it, but the cake went over quite well. Really though, it's butter, eggs, chocolate and sugar, how could it not go over well.

6. Bruce Weber, coach of the University of Illinois men's basketball team, is currently wearing a bright orange blazer. Yes, orange and blue are the school colors, but come one Bruce, you did know you were going to be on TV, right? I'm blaming him and the pumpkin coat for tonight's loss. Clearly the players were too busy trying to figure out why he wore that to concentrate on the game.

Until later...

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