April 05, 2005

Da Vinci Code Follow Up

No time to post anything major, so I thought I'd give you this link as a follow up to my Da Vinci Code review.

It seems the book was not bad enough on it's own, so now we have to base tours of Europe (or just the Louvre) around it.

The review of Me Talk Pretty One Day is coming up tomorrow (or soon after).

Until later...


Unknown said...

Just curious if you've ever read "Pagan Babies" by Elmore Leonard. I followed the links from J.A. Wiser's blog, and noticed him as an "interest." I just picked it up myself, my first trip into written Leonard-world, and I've enjoyed the movies, but am not sure what to expect with this. It just came up as I was trying to do some academic research on Rwanda, and I thought, What the heck?

Anyway, just stopping by...

Craig said...

I have. Bear with me because it's been a little while since I read it. As I recall, it was good, but still one of Leonard's weaker books. His books tend to have a remarkable number of double-crosses and an atylistic air of just-plain cool. Every character is a contrast in light and dark and even the heroes have checkered pasts. As far as his books go I would personally recommend Get Shorty, Out of Sight and Tishomingo Blues (probably my favorite).

Thanks for dropping in.