February 02, 2005

The New And Improved Fount: Now With Structure!

When I first started this blog, I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. In what will certainly come as a shock to any and all who know me well, I began to discover that I had a lot to say, none of it important. The problem has been that unless something was really bugging me that day, I had a hard time deciding what topics to cover. I can't talk about everything everyday; my writing style is confusing enough when I stick to one topic. If I become much more random, I'll lose both of my readers.

I thought about this over the weekend and realized that if I was going to be completely self-absorbed and assume that any one in netland cares what I have to say, I may as well go all out and do this right. I am going to dedicate specific times to specific topics and create recurring columns.

The first of those columns premiered a last week. About once a month, I'll post a new "It's All About 'Cue" column. I will give my thoughts on all things barbecue, from style to restaurants to sauce to recipes. I will post this column on the second Wednesday of each month. For other Wednesdays during each month, I will discuss other food-related topics.

Another recurring column made its debut yesterday. The FOUI Book Review will be posted each time I complete a book. The current book under consideration will be listed in the "What am I reading" section in the sidebar. Right now, that's The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. Since this will be dependent on how quickly I finish reading each book, there will not be a regular schedule for this column.

Finally, I am planning a weekly column to discuss movies. I may discuss something I have seen recently, a movie I saw years ago and would like to see again, movies that are still in production or the movies starting that week at the theater. So, starting this week, you should see the Friday Film Festival posted here. If you have anything you want discussed in F3, just drop me an email and I'll see what I can do.

As time goes on, I'm sure I'll add new columns and cancel others. This may not be the final version of the Fount, but we're moving in the right direction. Structure is good. Structure is your friend.

Until later...

1 comment:

JAW said...

Information organization is a good thing. I yike it.