February 05, 2005

Fashion Tips from the North Korean Government

The government of North Korea has decided that men with long hair are "incompetent and unhygenic". According to the Associated Press article, the television news, which is operated by the government, shows men whose hair is too long and identifies them by name and address. This concept brings up a couple of questions for me. First, are the men that are shown on television humiliated enough by this to cut their hair? Second, could we start a similar service here in the US where Brian Williams or Peter Jennings make fun of people with mullets to get them to change hairstyles?

It seems that the "official" length for hair to be acceptable is 2 inches. This seems quite short to me, and I keep my own hair pretty short. The North Korean government is not without mercy, however. They have made an exception to the 2 inch rule, allowing some men to have hair 2.8 inches in length "to hide balding", which to the best of my knowledge would make this the world's first government-sanctioned comb-over.

Note: The Fount of Useless Information makes no claims as to the veracity of this information. In fact, I find it a little hard to believe. Irrespective of its accuracy, it was reported by the AP and is pretty funny.

Until later...

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