August 10, 2007

Useless Information about The Fount of Useless Information

Oh, look. Craig has nothing interesting to say again. What a surprise.

Since I don't have anything to talk about right now, I'll just allow you to feed my narcissism (or my self-loathing, I guess we'll have to see how it works out). Let's find out what you know about me. The quiz below has 20 multiple choice questions about me, all (like everything else on this site) completely useless information. How many do you think you can answer? (and yes, I realize that this is a pathetic post, but like I said I've got nothing left to talk about)

Testriffic Quiz Your Friends
Create your own Friend Quiz here


Anita said...

That? Was freakin' hard!! :( I like how it didn't give you the "correct" answer when you got one wrong. :P

MC Etcher said...

Wow, I suck.

Melissa said...

Phew! I was worried I might score less than everyone - which would look bad since I'm married to you!