August 06, 2007

Good News Everyone!

As many of you know (and if you didn't know, you could probably figure it out just by reading this site), one of my all time favorite shows is Futurama. It's one of three shows for which my TiVo is set to record all episodes, because I gladly watch episodes multiple times (the other two are The Simpsons and Good Eats). In fact, when I was watching an episode and the text during the intro (You know, the part that always changes: "Bender's humor by Microsoft Joke", "Hey TiVo, Recommend this", etc.) read "Soon to be a major religion," Melissa scoffed and said, "seems like it already is in our house." I have no problem rewatching just about any episode. Well, any episode except for Jurassic Bark. I can't handle that one anymore (and I'm not the only one. Check out this comic from xkcd. You need to hover over the image for the tooltip referencing Jurassic Bark.)

I've said all that to say this: There are new episodes of Futurama coming. Embedded below is a clip from Comic-Con about its return. The quality isn't great (at times you can't even make out what they are saying), but it's the best I can find at the moment. (Unfortunately, there is no sign of Scruffy in this clip.)


Agent 31 said...

Man, even the Wikipedia page made me cry a little.

MC Etcher said...

YAY! I think I've mentioned the Futurama PS2 game before...

And I think you said you'd played it...

But if not, do! It's great fun!

Anonymous said...

Futurama is also my favorite show. In fact, I think that's how I found your blog.

The best news for me is that the new DVD comes out on my b-day, Nov. 27th! YAY!!!!

PS: I can't watch Jurrasic Bark anymore either.