August 09, 2007

Say, Say, Say

A few random and completely out of context things that have been said recently.

"We're just lucky we didn't crash. I'm going 65 miles per hour, and suddenly I've got a biscuit in my eye."

"White lion, snow leopard. Same thing."
"Believe me if it was singing When the Children Cry, we'd be videoing it."

"That's going on Youtube with the title, Not as Dramatic as You've Been Led to Believe."

"Remember my thoughts on people who wear their hair in a fauxhawk? I think it's even worse when you style your kid's hair into a fauxhawk."

"It wasn't bad, but I wouldn't buy it again...ever."

"This is either going to be the most disgusting thing ever, or it's going to be really good."

"No, no, I know you need to feed your root beer habit."

"That's quite the hodgepodge of flavors you've got going on."

"I don't know. Maybe they like licking hippies."


Itchy said...

"White lion, snow leopard. Same thing."
"Believe me if it was singing When the Children Cry, we'd be videoing it."

This may keep me in giggles for the rest of the day...

MC Etcher said...

Ha ha! It's very tempting to cut and paste this entire post into Snippets of Random Chaos!

Poledra said...

Erm...please don't ever mention licking hippies near me...otherwise, I'm speechless.

pagan_mystic said...

Makes me long for the days when I actually updated my blog. Sigh ...