August 20, 2007

This Little Piggy Went to Market

After a while in a marriage you can pretty much tell what your spouse is thinking. I've discussed the importance of this kind of understanding previously, but the understanding that comes with years of living together was made evident again while we were watching television and had the following exchange.

Man on the Food Network: In fact, I've got a buddy who's actually in a Bacon of the Month Club, where they send him a different type of bacon each month.

Craig: *chuckles to himself*

Melissa: No. Don't even think about it.


Poledra said...

Give a man a credit card...and no woman to cull those wild thoughts and "Viola!" Bacon of the Month Club. *Or*
Tie of the Month Club,
T-shirt of the Month Club,
Cigar of the Month Club....

And, yes these do exist, but you get the picture. Ok, I admit it, no guy on his own would chouse Tie of the Month Club. It would probably be:
Cookie of the Month Club,
Beer of the Month Club or
Chocolate of the Month Club
or all three).

Anonymous said...

Ha! That was my exact reaction when Tony showed me a picture of a tow hook on a MINI Cooper (the car he is planning to buy). A tow hook. On a MINI. Does that even make sense?

Itchy said...

So what I got from that is that I need to rethink this not watching the Food Network thing if information about bacon clubs are being handed out...

Agent 31 said...

Of the month, you say?

And there are 12 months, right? so, that'd be... umm... carry the one... umm...

By my calculations, that'd be the most delicious Of The Month club on record.