August 01, 2007

Strange Happenings at the Grocery Store

I was at the deli counter trying to get ham and pastrami for sandwiches, and the person at the counter questioned where I was from originally. I told him, and he explained that he could tell that I was from Alabama or at least somewhere in the South. I can't tell you how long it's been since anyone picked up my remnant of an accent, much less pinpointed where I got it.

Apparently, the way I say "pound" gives me away. Who knew?


Anonymous said...

I met this woman the other day and I told her that she has a Michigan accent and she was totally offended. I don't get it.

MC Etcher said...

At least you know not to say "pound" if you're ever in disguise and on the run. Or "round". Or...

srah said...

We Michiganders think we don't have an accent. I met a Pennsylvanian in Chile and she said "I wouldn't pick you out as a Michigander. I guess you don't sound particularly midwestern." I said, "Yeah, I've been told I don't have much of an accent," then she burst out laughing. The nasal A in "accent" gets us every time.

Agent 31 said...

Shh... It was the ham and pastrami.