January 03, 2006

The Name of The Beast

So, how did we end up naming a dog Chewie, anyway? We talked about all sorts of things we could call him, some seriously, some jokingly. We bounced around a few science related names: Einstein, Galileo, Watson. Unfortunately none of these are easy to say while calling a dog and really say much more about you than the dog. A friend of mine went to school at Michigan Tech. Since the puppy is part Husky and the mascot of the Michigan Tech Huskies is named Blizzard, she suggested naming him Flurry. I responded that he wasn't white, so much as blonde, and said that we should call him Yellow Snow. This was considered too crude and the name Mark, which in this case could have a double meaning, was suggested instead. We looked through lists and lists of dog names, trying to find the perfect one. Sam? "Only if I can call him Samwise. Wait, no. I'd just call him 'stupid fat hobbits' all the time." All other sources of potential names were examined. Our DVD collection: Egon? His pudgy belly: Buddha? Books: Piscine Molitor? History: El Cid?

Eventually, the sleeping puppy looked up at me from where he was napping and said, "Aaaauuuuugghhhh!!!!" as if he were a Wookie straight from Kashyyyk. He might look more like Wicket and his friends, but the name was suggested and it stuck. Chewie was named. To convince us that we had picked an appropriate name, he then attempted to bite my knuckles, then my feet, then the metal legs of a table next to me. It wasn't long before I began wondering if this name just might be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Maybe we should have named him "Gets a modelling contract and makes me rich," but that seems a bit cumbersome.

Until later...

1 comment:

MC Etcher said...

Ha ha! Great story! I'd wondered about the name.