January 03, 2006

Trivial Tuesday

The first Trivial Tuesday of the new year! I'll do my best to come up with something that isn't a simple rehash of all earlier editions.

I watched The Treasure of The Sierra Madre (an often overlooked classic) recently and in the movie a young boy keeps trying to sell Humphrey Bogart lottery tickets. Theactor playing this boy eventually went on to gain fame in television and films then notoriety in his off-screen life. Who was this little rascal?

Prizes? We ain't got no prizes. We don't need no prizes. I don't have to give you any stinkin' prizes. On the other hand, bragging rights are at stake, so post your answer in the comments section. (Quickly, because I gave already gave you pretty significant hint.)

Update: Congratulations Bamamammy. The young fellow in that role was Robert Blake of "Our Gang" "Baretta" and "I didn't kill my wife" fame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The acter was Robert Blake Who is now on the golf course with O.J. Simpson where they are both looking for their wives' killers!