January 26, 2006

Family Business

I was watching Jeopardy the other day, and Alex was chatting with the contestants after the first commercial break, as usual. He asked a female contestant about an interesting fact in her family history. It turns out that, though she is afraid of flying, she is a direct descendent of Orville and Wilbur Wright.

Now, my history may not be completely accurate, but I thought the reason Orville and Wilbur were referred to as the Wright Brothers was because they were actually brothers. If this is true, I'm a little confused as to how she managed to be a direct descendant of both Orville and Wilbur Wright. Human genetics may not be my field, but I'm going to go out on a limb (no pun intended) and say that it does at least help explain her flippers.

Until later...


Agent 31 said...

Sounds like Orville and Wilbur were tag-teaming Mrs. Wright...

Becki said...

Damn, Maine totally jacked my answer.

Craig said...

While your suggestions are both enlightening and disturbing, I have a couple of issues with that theory.

1. I don't want to get too far into the biology of the issue, because I'm sure you both are actually aware, but it quite doesn't work that way.

2. When I was researching the Wright brothers to confirm my thoughts on this (yes, I actually research my facts for this blog...I am that much of a nerd.), everything I read indicated that neither of the Wright brothers ever married or had any children.

Fuckkit said...

Ooh I bet you're the person that watches films and points out the continuity errors and plot holes :)

Anita said...

Dang, I was just going to say I didn't think they had any children.

I am a direct descendent of Robert McCormick who invented the reaper (even though his son, Cyrus, perfected it and got the patent). Do I get to be on Jeopardy now?

MC Etcher said...

What a loss! Ingeneous people should be forced to have kids, otherwise those great genes are wasted!

Anonymous said...

I think I saw that movie, "Orville and Wilbur: Brothers or Lovers?" The beginning was a little slow but man, it sure picked up once they hit the sack. Although, I don't remember Orville carrying a Wilbur's love child...I did leave to go get popcorn at one point so maybe I missed that part.