December 19, 2005

I Killed the President of Paraguay with a Fork. How Have You Been?

It's been a little while since I last posted. I could make excuses, (I was out of town for early Christmas festivities. My grandfather was in the hospital while we were there, so we stayed longer. I haven't been able to get enough energy to post since I got back.) but I won't. 10 days is a long time, so what do I have to report?

Not much really. We celebrated Christmas with the family, and had a lot of people in the house. Really, a lot: 2 Grandparents, 2 parents, 2 sisters, 2 brothers-in-law, 2 nieces, 4 nephews, MK, me, 3 dogs. That's 16 people and 3 dogs if you're counting. It was great to see my family, especially since I don't see my parents that often, and I see my sisters and their respective families even less.

I've become completely obsessed with a little gadget we received. It's a handheld version of 20 questions. I'd played with before, but having a version you can carry around is just downright addictive. I am often surprised by the things it can figure out and sometimes by the things it can't get. Given 20 yes or no questions (technically, 19 plus a category selection), could you identify a capybara? Yeah, I was impressed with that one. On the other hand, I'm not sure that I could confuse "a pair of trousers" with "an oil painting," but it did.

In addition, my sisters introduced me to Runescape, an online multi-player RPG. This is great, because it's always good to introduce people with obsessive personalities to something that can be addictive and possibly consume your entire life. Apparently, this was faster than helping me locate a crack dealer. If I disappear from here without notice, it's probably just that I kept playing and forgot to eat. Don't worry though, it will take a lot of missed meals for me to waste away, so we should have a few months.

We realized after we left that, though we had brought our digital camera with us, we didn't take any pictures. Well, almost didn't take any. We took a few pictures of one of the dogs that will probably show up on here in the near future, but that's not the point. It's disappointing that we didn't take any other pictures (we were just always busy doing something else), because it's amazing how much kids grow when you aren't around. My nieces and nephews now range from about 7 and a half to almost 17. I have been trying to convince them all to stop aging, but they won't listen and keep growing up. It's as if I'm getting older, but we all know that's not true.

That pretty much sums up what's been going on, or at least as much as will get put on here. With any luck, I'll post a trivia question tomorrow and quickly get back into the swing of things. I also have what seems like a million books and movies to review and some of them have been waiting long enough that I'll probably just have to skip them. This may not matter to you, but it annoys me quite a bit. For now, however, this long, rambling, getting you up to date on my life post will have to do.

Until later...


Matt said...

Do you have any idea how difficult it's been for me to not launch into any number of GPB quotes? I am confessing this here because the first step is admitting I have a problem...

Laziest Girl said...

which was the first to come to mind?

Matt said...

One of my favorites is: "You can never go home again, but I guess you can shop there."

MC Etcher said...

Uh oh, new RPG. We'll never get another post from you again!