March 01, 2005

Book Review: Devil in the Details

First, let me admit this review is quite late. I finished reading this book almost a week ago. I even tried to write the review once before, but Internet Explorer crashed about halfway through. Let's give it another try, shall we?

Devil in the Details: Scenes from an Obsessive Girlhood is an absolutely hilarious and insightful look at the life of the author, Jennifer Traig. While growing up, Traig suffered from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, specifically, Scrupulosity, a form in which the OCD becomes religious in nature. Now rather than worrying that something horrible will happen to you (or someone you know) if you fail to do everything just right, you'll end up in hell instead. This combined with the Jewish law she had to learn as a preteen to form a volatile mixture.

Rather than wallowing in self-pity, Traig approaches the subject with humor. For example on the subject of OCD: "Every mental illness has its pros and cons, but for all-around appeal, you can't beat OCD. It's not as colorful as multiple personality disorder or as exhilarating as bipolarity, but for consistent amusement, it's your best bet...Except for the tedium, the time commitment, and the incessant badgering, we're a riot."

While many of the stories she tells through the book are hilarious, the work is in fact heart-warming when you look at all of what she and her family went through. To stay together through that and not ever resort to physical violence is the mark of a family that truly loves each other.

I absolutely loved this books for several reasons: It was enjoyable to read. It was funny. It was an excellent record of a family's love. Most of all, however, it made me aware that there was someone out there crazier than me.

The Verdict: 3 Stars. Highly Recommended.

Until later...

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