October 26, 2006

If Jimmy Cracks Corn and No One Cares, Why Does He Bother?

Ok, I haven't had a tremendous amount of time to write, so you'll get nothing and like it.

In case you need more proof that my mind is a little warped, here's a story from work yesterday. I was talking to a few of my coworkers and we got onto the subject of Randy Johnson hitting a bird with a baseball back in 2001. (Don't ask how we got to that subject. Like most conversations with me, it traveled from one subject to another to another in a seemingly random fashion. Those of you who know me well, know exactly what I mean.) Anyway, as I was walking along later during the day, I realized that I was whistling as I walked. I stopped for a moment and then it occurred to me that I was whistling "When Doves Cry." Yeah, even my subconscious has a sick sense of humor.

Two more completely random things.

Related to the post earlier this week, where I mentioned that I believe certain things should only happen at certain times: Yesterday I went to pick up lunch at Jimmy Johns and saw that the signs for the mall already have gigantic Christmas bows on them. I can't tell you how much that bothered me. I realize that they want people to start Christmas shopping soon, but surely someone at some point said, "You know, we may want to wait to put Christmas decorations up until after the Halloween decorations come down."

I'm starting to get a little concerned that I may be crazy. Like, put me in a straight jacket and take me to an institution crazy. When someone (even if it's me) says something, I feel the urge to say it again with a couple of the words transposed. For example if it's time to put the Chewie in his crate, Melissa might say "Chew, Go to bed." I will then have the urge to reply "Bed, Go to Chew." I can usually resist enough that I don't say these things out loud, but I still have to think it. So, tell me, am I nuts?


Melissa said...

Yes, Pinky, you are nuts.

Anonymous said...

Humbert Humbert compulsively transposed words and letters like that in "Lolita", usually for comic effect. Take that as you will...

Agent 31 said...

Nuts. Completely. Or, actively dyslexic.

Dyslexic completely or actively nutes.