February 15, 2007

What We Have Here Is a Failure to Communicate

Let's try to move on to a slightly more amusing note than the last post...

Nothing is more important in a relationship than communication. You must know how to communicate with your partner in a way that he/she will understand. Allow me to illustrate with an example from my own life:

Melissa and I were at a store and had become separated. I wanted to find her as quickly as possible so that I could get out of the store and go home, so I picked up my phone and called her.

C: Where are you?

M: In the bathroom accessories area.

C: The what?

M: The bathroom accessories. You know. Shower curtains, towels, things like that.

C: (cluelessly) Oh...ok.

M: It's right across from the big flat screen TVs that you're always staring at.

C: Oh, I'll be right there.

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