February 04, 2007

This Weather Stinks

We're downgraded all the way to a Winter Weather Advisory now after spending all weekend under Winter Weather and Blizzard Warnings. Unfortunately, since Chewie thinks it would be a good idea to try to leave the yard and run free, I get to go outside with the dogs when they need to go out. Since we have a wireless web cam aimed into the backyard (for watching the boys if we aren't out there with them), Melissa decided to record me. At the beginning of the video, you can see me putting away my phone after she was telling me to come wave to the camera. Note that I am wearing jeans, my hooded NMSU sweatshirt with the hood up over my University of Illinois knit cap (repping both alma maters), a heavy wool coat buttoned all the way up to my face, gloves and snow boots. The only things exposed in any way are my eyes and part of my nose, but I was still freezing.

So what do you do when there's a blizzard warning, everything is closed and the news outlets are reporting that if you do venture out and slide off the road that police will take hours to get to you because they are so busy helping everyone else? I don't know what you do, but as for me, I scrounge the cabinets and see what I can make with ingredients we have in the house. That's how we ended up with a tray of super rich brownies covered in sour cherry preserves.



Becki said...

Hey, long time no, umm, comment?

What is the dog dragging around on his leash?

Craig said...

Funny you should ask that. Melissa and I discussed it before I posted. She asked me, "Aren't you going to explain why Chewie is dragging the toys?" I, of course, decided to wait because no one will pay attention to that anyway. The point? I'm always wrong, and she's always right.

So, those are some of Chewie's toys attached to his leash. They are there because we don't have a big tire to make him pull. Basically, he's a sled dog that needs to pull things to burn off energy (and help slow him down so we can catch him if he escapes from the yard). It would be nice to have him pulling something like a tire or a sled, but we didn't have one, so we attached a bunch of his toys to him. He actually seems to enjoy pulling it. Of course, he seems to enjoy anything involving being outside.

srah said...

That brownie looks delicious.