February 26, 2007


I was going to do a wonderful live blog of the Academy Awards, but unfortunately before they even gave out a single big award, the snow knocked out some of our cable channels including both ABC affiliates. I eventually gave up, which is a shame because there was some seriously funny stuff written about the part that I saw. We're talking funny enough that you'd have to hope you were wearing Depends when you read this. However, I deleted all that in my frustration, so instead of the live blog you get my thoughts on who would win before the awards along with how right or wrong (mostly wrong) I was. Without further ado, the proof that I know nothing:

Supporting Actress: Jennifer Hudson (Correct)

Supporting Actor: Did the voters turn in ballots before they saw Norbit? I'll assume they saw it and not guess Eddie Murphy. I can't go with Marky Mark, either (just on principle), so I'll guess Alan Arkin. (Correct)

Actor: Peter O'Toole. They've got eventually give him one, right? (Wrong)

Actress: Hellen Mirren (Correct)

Best Picture: I'd like to say, Letters From Iwo Jima, but I'll go with the Queen. (Wrong. Hey, I liked the Departed, but it wasn't the best film I saw all year. That was Letters From Iwo Jima, followed closely by Pan's Labyrinth. Besides, I preferred The Departed when it was Infernal Affairs. It was more understated, and I kinda have a soft spot for HK gangster films.)

Director: It's got be Martin Scorsese eventually, right? (It should be Clint Eastwood, but I'm guessing Scorsese.) (Correct, that's no big surprise. However, I can't help feeling that this is one of those "make up" Oscars. You know, the ones that are the Academy saying, "Sorry we missed you on an earlier nomination. Here's one this year." Seriously, just ask Russell Crowe about not getting an award for The Insider and then getting one the next year for Gladiator.)

Screenplay: The Queen (Wrong, there was so much anti-Little Miss Sunshine stuff recently that I did not expect that at all.)

Adapted Screenplay: The Departed (Correct)

Cinematography: Children of Men or Pan's Labyrinth. Flip a coin. (Correct.)

Editing: Children of Men (Wrong)

Art Direction: Pan's Labyrinth (Correct)

Costume Design: Dreamgirls (Wrong)

Original Score: I have no idea. There's not one that you hear constantly like last year. I absolutely love the score from Pan's Labyrinth, but to be fair I don't know anything about any of the other nominees. I'll guess that anyway. (Wrong. I don't even know that the score from Babel sounds like)

Original Song: Randy Newman for Cars, because I don't have a clue. (Wrong)

Makeup: Pan's Labyrinth (Correct)

Sound: Pirates (like I have a clue) (Not surprisingly wrong)

Sound Editing: Pirates (I still have no idea) (Wrong and still not a surprise.)

Visual Effects: Superman Returns, after all, they made you believe a man can fly. (Wrong. D'oh. I forgot about Davy Jones)

Animated Film: Cars (Wrong.)

Foreign Language: Pan's Labyrinth (Wrong. I'd love to see The Lives of Others, but it will never end up showing here.)

Documentary: I'll be shocked if it's anything other than An Inconvenient Truth. (Correct.)

Short Films of any sort: I have no idea. Just pick a number, and you'll have as much chance as me.


Anita said...

I only have one thing to say about last night's show: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Is it over yet?

It started out okay, but damn if it wasn't completely uneventful. Where were all the crazy acceptance speeches? Snoozefest. But yay for Marty - who cares if it's a gimme award.

FTR, I only saw one of the nominated films: Little Miss Sunshine so I can't speak to any deservedness of the others.

Matt said...

Hey, weren't we going to gchat our way through the show and then post the transcript on our blogs? How could I have forgotten about that?