June 19, 2008

We'll Get Wild, Wild, Wild

This is a conversation I like to imagine happening around 1983 or so between the members of the band Quiet Riot.

Band Member: All right guys, this new single is gonna cement our place in rock history.

Rest of band: Yeah!

Band Member: Cum on Feel the Noize is going to be a song people rock to for a long time to come!

Rest of Band: Yeah!

Band Member: And in another 25 years, it will be used to advertise french fries!

Rest of Band: Yeah--Wha??


Danielle said...

HA! Man, there are so many great songs that have been completely bastardized by commercials. Summer vacation + Craig's blog entries = hours and hours of internet entertainment for me!

Matt said...

This is what I'm missing by fast-forwarding the DVR through commercials? I can never go back to live TV again.

Anonymous said...

I hate to be a killjoy, but... Quiet Riot totally stole that song (and others) from the British group Slade - bad spelling and all.

Surely, they're happy that their song is being used to hawk... well, anything. Don't they get paid a little every time it's used? Because I don't think they're living comfortably playing all the indian casinos around the country...

Anonymous said...

"...and Kevin, you'll be dead. Sorry."